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Nākamās paaudzes Roadster Tesla prezentēs 2024. gada beigās. Tam vajadzētu būt Tesla un SpaceX kopdarbam.

Nākamās paaudzes Roadster Tesla prezentēs 2024. gada beigās. Tam vajadzētu būt Tesla un SpaceX kopdarbam.
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Elon Musk says Tesla will introduce a new generation of Roadster by the end of 2024. According to him, the presentation has a chance to become the most impressive product demonstration of all time. This is a collaboration between Tesla/SpaceX.

Some predict that this car will be able to accelerate from 0 to 96 km/h in less than 1 second.

Tesla announced the four-seater Roadster electric car at the end of 2017. Originally, production and sales were planned to start in 2020.

In 2021, Musk postponed the launch of the Roadster to 2023, citing constraints in the global supply chain, Reuters reports. In 2023, Tesla still did not start selling its long-awaited electric sports car, which is the successor to the brand's first car that even visited space.

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