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Indie pokera spēle Balatro mazāk nekā mēneša laikā ir pārdota vairāk nekā 1 miljona kopiju tirāžā. Un tas ir vēl pirms tā tika izdota iOS un Android operētājsistēmai.

Indie pokera spēle Balatro mazāk nekā mēneša laikā ir pārdota vairāk nekā 1 miljona kopiju tirāžā. Un tas ir vēl pirms tā tika izdota iOS un Android operētājsistēmai.
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Poker game Balatro has sold over 1 million copies in the first month of sales. This was announced by the game publisher Playstack.

“We are incredibly grateful to players from around the world for their support and enthusiasm,” said Harvey Elliott, CEO of Playstack.

The milestone of 500 thousand copies sold was reached within 10 days after release. Among other achievements, Balatro also made $1 million in sales within the first 8 hours of availability. A very good result for an indie game.

It should be noted that the game was able to achieve these results even before its release on mobile platforms, despite some obstacles. The game was released on February 20, 2024, initially for consoles and Windows computers. Due to a rating error, it was temporarily blocked in some stores. However, sales resumed later, and on March 1, a ported version for MacOS was released.

Developer LocalThunk stated that they plan to create versions of Balatro for iPhone and Android. However, no specific release date has been provided. Currently, there is already Balatro Poker available on the App Store, but that game is from a different developer.

LocalThunk also plans to update the game, making changes to the balance and possibly adding new jokers. At the same time, taking advantage of the project's high popularity, publisher Playstack is considering options for selling products, including physical Balatro card decks.

Source: Videogameschronicle, The Verge

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