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Steam ir iznākusi galda spēles Dune: Imperium adaptācija. Tai ir ukraiņu lokalizācija

Steam ir iznākusi galda spēles Dune: Imperium adaptācija. Tai ir ukraiņu lokalizācija
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Dire Wolf Developer has released the game Dune: Imperium on Steam. This is an adaptation of the eponymous strategic board game.

Dune: Imperium is based on the books by Frank Herbert. During the game, players must compete for dominance on the planet by manipulating workers on the field, collecting strong decks, and gaining control over various territories.

The computer version of Dune: Imperium is a thematic strategy game where deckbuilding and hero placement are combined. Players choose their gameplay style - to choose political alliances or rely on military power. You can also choose between economic power or intricate intrigues. The game consists of 10 rounds, each marked by a Conflict on the planet's surface. Some conflicts provide important resources, while others provide Victory Points for gaining power. Dune: Imperium can be played locally or online.

"Arrakis. Dune. A desert planet. Raise the banner over the desert before you. The Great Houses of the Landsraad are mobilizing troops and spies. Who will you decide to influence? Who do you want to betray? The tyrant Emperor. The secretive Bene Gesserit. The wise Guild of Navigators. The fierce Fremen from the Deep Desert. The power of the Empire could be yours. But you can only get it through war," - says the project description.

The computer adaptation of Dune: Imperium is available on Steam for 474 UAH. The game has Ukrainian text localization.

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