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Samsung ir izsmējis Apple, publicējot Galaxy TabS9 reklāmu, kas vērsta pret bojāšanu

Samsung ir izsmējis Apple, publicējot Galaxy TabS9 reklāmu, kas vērsta pret bojāšanu
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Apple made a mistake during the advertising campaign of the new iPad Pro tablets by releasing the video "Crush!", where a hydraulic press destroyed many objects related to creativity. The video outraged the community, and the company had to apologize. Samsung, the largest competitor, trolled Apple with another video called "UnCrush," which is an advertisement for the Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra tablet.

In the video, a girl finds a broken guitar among the debris, starts playing it to the notes with Tab S9 Ultra, and humming. On the screen, you can see the slogan "Creativity cannot be crushed," the name of the tablet, and the Samsung logo. The action takes place in a room with a color palette similar to Apple's video. In the caption, Samsung says, "We would never crush creativity." The original Apple video:

Samsung has joked about Apple before. In 2018, the company mocked the "notch" - the notch for the camera on the screen that appeared in the iPhone X. Ironically, the Samsung tablet screen in the "UnCrush" video has the same "notch".

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