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Ilons Masks ir publiskojis jaunu Tesla robota videoklipu, taču šķiet, ka tas ir "filmēts" vēl 2000. gados.

Ilons Masks ir publiskojis jaunu Tesla robota videoklipu, taču šķiet, ka tas ir "filmēts" vēl 2000. gados.
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Video published by a billionaire on Saturday at X had such low quality that it looked like it was shot on a phone that was current two decades ago.

Screenshots: gizmodo

At that time, the video was viewed by more than 30 million users, however, as noted by Gizmodo, half an hour later Musk replaced it with a higher resolution video. (Interestingly, edited tweets usually display a note at the bottom about the correction and the time it occurred — but there is no such note in Elon's post).

Meanwhile, users competed in sharpness in comments under the robot post, offering their own versions of why the video turned out to be such low quality:

The previous Optimus video posted by Musk also stood out — back then an engineer who controlled the movements of the robot was "flashed" in the video.

A little over two years have passed since Elon Musk announced that Tesla had started moving towards the development of humanoid robots. The company quickly released prototypes — and so far we have seen one barely moving assembled model and another one standing on a stand and waving hands to the audience. At the same time, in the promotional video that followed the presentation, the robots walked more confidently and interacted with the environment.

In December, Tesla (also so far only in promo) presented second-generation robots — it was reported that Optimus received two degrees of freedom in the neck, integrated electronics and wiring, as well as more human-like legs with hinge parts of the fingers and torque sensors. The robot's hands are equipped with 11 degrees of freedom, faster drives, and tactile sensors on all fingers to manipulate objects (ability demonstrated in the video with handling chicken eggs).

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