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Bijusī "bērnu" YouTube zvaigzne gada laikā vietnē OnlyFans nopelnīja 100 000 ASV dolāru un "neko nenožēlo

Bijusī "bērnu" YouTube zvaigzne gada laikā vietnē OnlyFans nopelnīja 100 000 ASV dolāru un "neko nenožēlo
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Lizzi Kapri launched her YouTube channel in 2018 and in just a couple of months gained a million subscribers, becoming a star among children's content creators.

Now the girl has more than 7 million subscribers, and the content mainly consists of bright videos in pink tones with toy unpacking. This year Lizzi will celebrate her 30th birthday and eventually plans to say goodbye to YouTube... in favor of OnlyFans.

"Over the past six to seven years, my brain has become so trained to create extremely colorful, crazy spectacles," she said. "And now I'm just not interested in watching them anymore."

In the end, Lizzi switched to OnlyFans, where according to documents viewed by Business Insider, she earned around $100,000 in the last year.

Kapri says she has always doubted her body and appearance, and OnlyFans has helped boost her confidence. Her account is "safe" as there is no full nudity, and she perceives her content there more as "artistic self-expression."

"This also motivates me to stick to my workout schedule because when I look good, I feel good," she said.

Kapri had a certain "moral dilemma" as she knew that transitioning to adult content would mean a decrease in views - however, the risk was justified, even despite losing some contracts. Lizzi's videos for children used to gather from 1 to 4 million views, and now - less than 100,000.

Kapri says she wants to be a voice for women who have felt like they have been "trapped" their whole lives.

It is worth reminding that last year the "banned" OnlyFans paid nearly $1 million in tax for providing services in Ukraine.

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